Sunday, March 25, 2007

It's A Sweet Baby Girl!

Some fellow homeschoolers who live fairly close to us just bought two goats. They were told that they had not been exposed to the billy. Three days before they left for a trip to Sweden, one of the goats surprised them with a baby. They called and wanted to know if Mr. Garvey would be interested in feeding and watering the goats as well as helping out with the second female goat should she deliver while they were gone. Mr. Garvey has had a lot of experience with goats and was excited to get to be around goats again. He is amazing to watch. He is so confident and capable. He knows just what to do to get them to go where he wants them to go. On Friday we arrived to find momma #2 giving birth. Mr. Garvey jumped right in. He wiped off the new baby and declared it's a girl. We stayed until we were sure the baby was up on its legs and nursing. Here are some pictures we took today of the 2-day old baby goat. So sweet!


naturalmom said...

What a blessing for all involved! This post warmed my heart so much that I shared it with my dh. One of the challenges of living in the United States with children is that there are so few opportunities for kids to do things that have *real life* meaning and/or value to others. (Especially for those kids who live in non-rural areas.) I'm glad Mr. Garvey got an opportunity to use his skills in a way that made a real difference to your friends and their goats.


Just Me said...

Dh and I were having a similar conversation along your line of thought. We often receive comments about our adopted children concerning how lucky they are to be here or how much better their life is now. These comments always make me uncomfortable. I see that their life is certainly different. I will grant that they no longer have to worry about food or disease for the most part. However they have lost a culture and way of life that allowed/required them to make real contributions to their family and community, learning useful skills all the while. They are often frustrated with what is expected of them here in the US.

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog a week or so ago--it's so great to see all these photos! I'm really loving the stories, especially about Mr. Garvey. What a great kid.

Just Me said...

Thanks Joan. Do you mean Joan as in "Joan, one of my travelling companions to Ethiopia and momma to Baby S."?

Anonymous said...

That's me! :)