Sunday, March 23, 2008

"I'm a Little Bit Freaked Out Right Now"

On a recent trip to visit my mom, Mr. Laura and I accompanied her to the cafeteria of her nursing facility for lunch. While my mom ate, Mr. Laura begin to fidget and ask constantly, "when are we leaving?" I repeatedly told him that we would stay with Nana until she had finished lunch and we could help her get back to her room. I was becoming annoyed with Mr. Laura for his repetition. Here is how the rest of the conversation and lunch went.....

Ma: Mr. Laura I have all ready answered that question. What is really bothering you?

Mr. Laura: I am a little bit freaked out right now.

Ma: About what?

Mr. Laura: There are all these little old ladies in wheel chairs waving and smiling at me. One lady keeps motioning me to come over. I don't want to go over there. She is a complete stranger.

I did a quick scan of the room and sure enough many of the women's faces were focused on Mr. Laura all vying for his attention. He was the youngest person in the room by a good 30 years. I assured him that it was OK not to want to go over to any of them. I suggested that if he were to just smile and wave back at them that he would probably make their day. The rest of lunch continued with out too much more anxiety on Mr. Laura's part.

As we were leaving, one woman swiveled her wheel chair around and while pressing something into Mr. Laura's hand said, "Here boy take this with you." Once we were in the hallway I asked Mr. Laura what she had given him. He replied, "A little tub of butter. And now I'm a little bit freaked out again."

1 comment:

naturalmom said...

Um, yeah. I would be a little freaked out too if I were a young boy! LOL!
