Today Mr. Edwards turns 10. Ack! Where does the time go? Mr. Edwards has been very excited about his birthday this year. We have been given " X more days 'til I'm 10" greeting each and every morning since the beginning of the month. I'm not sure why he is so much more excited this year. Perhaps it is the double digit milestone. I'm having a hard time with 10. It seems so old, so grownup. It feels like it just snuck up on me. I really don't want to keep him young forever, but I'd love to be able to take a little time travel back through the years just to really remember what he was like at different ages.
Happy Birthday my dear, dear Mr. Edwards! You were my first and you changed my life in wonderful ways I could have never imagined. In honor of your 10th birthday here are 10 things about you that others may not know.
- He loves to laugh. Fortunately he has two brothers that are more than happy to provide the craziness and antics for his laughing pleasure.
- He once told me that he would move out of our house either at age 18 or 55.
- The first word he ever read was "STOP" at age 2 1/2 from the backseat of the car as I accidentally ran a stop sign. His exact words were "S, T, O, P - Stop! S, T, O, P - Stop!"
- If anyone could convince me that we have past lives it would be Mr. Edwards. The first few weeks of his life, he always had this sort of worried/amused expression on his face that seemed to say, "Oh great, here we go again. Another new set of first-time parents to break in." He was/is a patient teacher thankfully . Another curious trait that leads me to believe that Mr. Edwards has been here before is that he just "knows" things. Like the time, at the age of 3 1/2, he explained to me that there are male and female pine cones. I had never heard this before, but was so taken aback with his certainty that I wanted to find out if this was true. Now granted he was already reading at this age, so I was sure he had read it in one of his books. I scoured his bookshelves. Nothing. I looked through all of the other books in the house that might have this information. Nothing. At this point I was pretty sure that he was just making it up. One last thing to try. I typed "male female pine cones" into an internet search engine. Guess what I found out. Pine cones (most anyways) have genders. To this day I still do not know how he knew this.
- He loves babies.
- Once he choked on a piece of nori while eating sushi and literally would not eat solid food for weeks.
- He is responsible for the following "family" words: groosegriver (screwdriver), abruxions (instructions), toe food (tofu), tipper dumpers (dump trucks), and squeezers (breasts). Groosegriver, abruxions, and toe food still get a lot of use around here.
- He can get quite grouchy when he does not get enough sleep. Otherwise he is always a pleasure to be around.
- He can't stand for anyone to be angry with him. He does not have a mean bone in his body.
- He is currently interested in becoming a doctor, a chef, or a writer. He started his first book a few months ago, but hasn't written anything for a while.
Here is a picture of Mr. Edwards enjoying his coffee cheesecake (his request). It was yummy!