Friday, January 4, 2008

Our Chicago Holiday Road Trip by the Numbers

We spent 4 wonderful days with Pa's family in Chicago over Christmas. It had been 2 1/2 years since we had last been up there. Most of Pa's family had not met Mr. Garvey, Mary, or Miss Almanzo. We had not met Baby W. Pa's family planned so many fun activities for all of the kids (9 in all). We had a cookie baking and decorating day at the Fuzzies' house and an ornament making party at cousin A's house and a birthday party for cousin G. There was lots and lots of delicious food and conversation. On the flip side, hopefully we did not create too much chaos or stress for anyone as we are quite a large bunch to have descend upon you especially when the option of sending the kids outside to play is pretty much non-existent.

The Trip Up to Chicago

800: miles driven between Chicago and South Carolina

0: extra seats in the van

1: number of times we almost ran out of gas while travelling through the section of the NC mountains with no gas station exits for about 30 miles.

2: how many times we looked like the southerners that we are by playing in the small remaining piles of snow at two Indiana rest stops.

1: number of other large trans-racial adoptive families we ran into in the middle of nowhere Indiana. (It was kind of surreal. They were a very nice family from Nashville with 3 bio boys, a daughter from China, and 2 daughters from Liberia.)

14.5: hours of music loaded into my iPod. Just enough to get us there without repeating any songs.

5: number of above songs with explicit lyrics that Pa and I forgot about. (oops!)

Weather in Chicago

50: degrees F the temperature dropped in our first 12 hours in Chicago.

40: increase in wind speed (mph) in our first 12 hours in Chicago.

2: hours the nestlings will stay outside in 25 degree weather with 40 mph winds and a couple piles of snow.

1: hours Pa was willing to stay outside in the above conditions.

0: hours Ma was willing to stay outside in the above conditions.


5: nights spent in a hotel

4: number of beds

5: different sleeping combinations of 7 people in the above 4 beds for 5 nights.

3: number of times I awoke to find by pregnant self squished between Pa and any one of the given 5 nestlings.

4: number of nights Mr. Edwards woke me with fears of spider bites, poison, or nerve gas.

0: number of nights Ma got a full night's sleep

Lego Store

00 (infinite): how far a posh Michigan Avenue shopping center, with a much coveted Lego store, is from Mary, Miss Almanzo, and Mr. Garvey's village of Lafto Lenka in Ethiopia

5: combined minutes it took Mr. Laura, Miss Almanzo, and Mr. Edwards to select their Lego purchases.

40: combined minutes it took Mary and Mr. Garvey to select their Lego purchases.

Ethiopian Food

12: number of Ethiopians we met at an Ethiopian restaurant

12: number of Ethiopians who repeatedly told Pa and I "Thank you. Thank you for what you've done."

3: number of nestlings who moaned and ooohed and aaahed and ate themselves sick on the delicious Ethiopian food.

2: number of adults who did the same.

1: number of nestlings who left the Ethiopian restaurant hungrier than when he got there. (That would be Mr. Laura - he is such a picky, picky eater. Plus he knew there would be cookies at the ornament making party at cousin A's house.)

7: number of times our Ethiopian children tried to get our server to bring them bunna (coffee).

7: number of times our server told our Ethiopian children it was not good for them to drink bunna.

Behavior and Good Times

5: number of extremely well-behaved nestlings.

2: number of nestlings who wanted to be left in Chicago with Pa's family. (That would be Mr. Edwards and Mary. Saying good-bye was difficult for both of them.)

The Trip Home

0: cubic inches of cargo volume remaining in the van for the trip home.

3: number of traffic jams we sat in on our way home.

3: hours late we were getting home.

3643: number of times Mr. Laura said, "oh my butt hurts" on the last 2 hours of the trip.

0: number of times Pa and I wished we had DVD or video game capability in the car.

1: number of times the nestlings bickered with each other.

18: hours the kids kept themselves busy in the van with made up games, reading, writing, and drawing.

2: number of times someone said they were bored.

The Good Memories

562: number of times Baby Walker's name has been mentioned since we left Chicago.

642: number of times the nestlings have asked when will we be going back to Chicago to see everyone.

Home Sweet Home

5: loads of laundry done after we returned home.

2: hours it took to clean the van.


Jennifer said...

What a trip! 18 hours in the car and so little complaining from the kids?! I'm way impressed. I love your new banner photo, by the way. :)

Anonymous said...

Dear Ma: We were very impressed with only 1 bickering incident and only 2 bored complaints. Also the "my butt hurts" comment from Mr. Laura was very funny.

We loved seeing you all, felt so close to your new ones so quickly as they were so open, warm and loving. And their English was amazing! We learned new card games from Mary, about Mr. Edwards writing, Mr. Garvey's negotiation skills (with my little G), cried with Mary upon saying goodbye, about Mr. Laura's love of animals, and loved Miss Almanzo's smile's smile. Mr. Garvey had funny jokes. It was nice meeting the new ones and reconnecting with the "old" ones, and hope to see all soon.

Leigh Ann and K
P.S. We can't wait until the new littlest one is born!

naturalmom said...

This was a delight to read. I almost feel like I was on the trip with you!


Victoria said...

Wow - so fun to read!!

naturalmom said...

Thinking of you Kimberly and wondering how you are doing with your mom and the pregnancy and all...

In Friendship,

Just Me said...

Hi Stephanie,

Thanks for checking in on me. I have been missing in blogging action lately. My pregnancy is going well. It has been a hard few months for my mom but she is really making some progress with her physical strength and with some more hard work we do believe she will be walking independently soon. As a matter of fact, we were down visiting her and my grandmother on Sunday. My mom looked the best I'vee seen her in months.

On a more sad note, my grandmother passed away quite unexpectedly Tuesday evening. While it has been a shock, I am so grateful that we were able to spend the day with her on Sunday and that I was able to make it to Charleston to see her on Tuesday before she passed.
