Sunday, March 23, 2008


Gosh, it has been more than 2 months since my last post. Motivation and lack of time have been the two main factors. The last two months have been filled with activity - some happy, some sad.

Here's a quick recap of the past few months:

My mom finally was released in early January from the hospital to a rehab/skilled nursing facility. Initial evaluation by the facility was not encouraging - they doubted she would ever walk again. After a lot of hard work on her part and her very dedicated therapist, she has surpassed these expectations. She is walking with the aid of a walker and has even begun to show signs of being able to stand from a sitting position unaided. The shunt operation to relieve the pressure in her brain has made all the difference. Mentally and cognitively she is back to her old self. She is getting stronger everyday.

Shortly after our return from Chicago, Mr. Edwards began to behave quite differently. He was having some very concerning anxiety/phobia issues along with exhibiting some OCD behaviors. For weeks he was not eating or sleeping. He was waking me 3 to 4 times a night. He refused to leave the house. Any semblance of a "normal" life and routine had disappeared for us. It was a very trying time for all of us. Mr. Edwards has been seeing a therapist since early February and has made tremendous progress. Life has returned mostly to "normal" - whatever that is.

As far as the pregnancy goes, it has been a cake walk thus far (knock on wood). No major complaints or complications. I am feeling the physical effects of this pregnancy more so than I did when pregnant in my 20's and 30's. We have 8 weeks to go and are getting excited about having a sweet new baby in the house again.

In early March, my grandmother, or GG as she is known to the great grandkids, quite suddenly and unexpectedly passed away. She had spent the past 22 months at my mother's side as my mom dealt with her disease. At almost 86, she was vital and able and giving until the end. She will be greatly missed by all of us.

We have decided to postpone building our house at the land for a while. Life has felt too hectic and unpredictable lately. Instead we are having an addition put on our current house. We are adding a master bedroom/bathroom and nursery to our house. The builder has nearly completed the shell and we should be able to get to work on the interior finish work soon. I doubt it will be complete by the time the baby arrives, but knowing that it is there is a comfort. We will go from a 3 BR/2 Bath house to a 5 BR/3 Bath house. While that sounds big to me, I guess for 8 people it isn't entirely unreasonable.


naturalmom said...

I'm so glad to see you back! Sounds like life has really been busy. I'm especially glad Mr. Edwards is feeling better. I suppose with what he's been through (which I can only imagine from your previous posts), it's not to surprising that he will have rough spots now and then. Give him a hug for me. (But don't tell him it's from me or Mr. Laura won't be the only one "a little bit freaked out", lol!)

Good luck with the addition. We are considering one for our house as well. The previous owners moved out of this house when baby #3 came along. We're staying put, but space is becoming an issue!

Hope the rest of your pregnancy is smooth and comfortable. What kind of birth are you planning?


naturalmom said...

Sorry, I forgot to offer my condolences on the loss of your Grandmother. I hope you and your family -- especially your mother -- are finding comfort during this time.
